Parents working with their child on a computer . Image says " Autism and Parenting with Robin roscigno"

The Course

This is our flagship course dedicated to helping you understand your neurodivergent child better, reduce power struggles, and bring calmness and peace to your home. 

Your instructor, Robin Roscigno, combines research-based approaches with her experience and expertise as an Autistic parent to bring you respectful strategies that WORK. You will learn how to deescalate meltdowns, how to set and keep limits, and how to connect with your child on their terms. 

This program is for anyone who wants to parent more in alignment with a neurodiversity lens and wants REAL ANSWERS to your everyday challenges.

What you get:

  • Weekly video lectures on six major topics: toileting, eating, behavior, sensory issues, executive functioning, and social/relationship skills. 

  • Printable resources every week to help guide you through implementing new routines

  • Access to our private forum where you can share your work and receive coaching and support throughout the course.

  • Simple, yet powerful topical assignments to help you put skills into action and track results 

  • A live weekly call with Robin to discuss your experiences + answer questions 

  • Life-Time access to the course 

  • A printable workbook with in-depth guides on a variety of topics for your reference 

This course is closed for enrollment.